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pyBeamline is a Python version of Beamline. While the same set of ideas and principles of Beamline have been ported into pyBeamline, the underlying goal and technology are very different.

pyBeamline is based on ReactiveX and its Python binding RxPY. RxPY is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and pipable query operators in Python. Using pyBeamline it is possible to inject process mining operators into the computation.

A complete Jupyter notebook presenting all implemented techniques is available at

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Goals and differences with Beamline

The main difference between Beamline and pyBeamline is the language they are built in (Beamline is written in Java, pyBeamline is written in Python). However, differences do not stop here. In particular, Beamline is built on top of Apache Flink, which makes it suitable for extremely efficient computation due to the distributed and stateful nature of its components. pyBeamline, on the other end, is built on top of ReactiveX which is

an extension of the observer pattern to support sequences of data and/or events and adds operators that allow you to compose sequences together declaratively while abstracting away concerns about things like low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety, concurrent data structures, and non-blocking I/O. (From

Therefore, pyBeamline is suited for prototyping algorithm very quickly, without necessarily bothering with performance aspects. In a sense, it simplifies the construction of proof of concepts, before translating the algorithms into Beamline for proper testing and verification. Also, it simplifies collaboration by, for example, leveraging online services (like Google Colab).

To give an example of such simplicity, this is the complete code to discover a DFG using a sliding window from a stream generated from a test.xes file (a file is used instead of a proper stream, as we are in a very controlled setting):

from pybeamline.sources import xes_log_source_from_file
from pybeamline.mappers import sliding_window_to_log
from reactivex.operators import window_with_count
from pm4py import discover_dfg_typed

).subscribe(lambda log: print(discover_dfg_typed(log)))

Differences with PM4PY

PM4PY has a package dedicated to streaming algorithms. This package, however, does not allow the construction of the dataflow for the processing of the events. Instead, it allows the application of a single algorithm on a defined stream. While this might be useful in certain situation, having the ability to construct the dataflow represents a fundamental architecture for stream processing.

What is a dataflow?

Here is the definition from the corresponding Wikipedia page:

In computing, dataflow is a broad concept, which has various meanings depending on the application and context. In the context of software architecture, data flow relates to stream processing or reactive programming.


Dataflow computing is a software paradigm based on the idea of representing computations as a directed graph, where nodes are computations and data flow along the edges. Dataflow can also be called stream processing or reactive programming.

There have been multiple data-flow/stream processing languages of various forms (see Stream processing). Data-flow hardware (see Dataflow architecture) is an alternative to the classic von Neumann architecture. The most obvious example of data-flow programming is the subset known as reactive programming with spreadsheets. As a user enters new values, they are instantly transmitted to the next logical "actor" or formula for calculation.

Distributed data flows have also been proposed as a programming abstraction that captures the dynamics of distributed multi-protocols. The data-centric perspective characteristic of data flow programming promotes high-level functional specifications and simplifies formal reasoning about system components.

Installing the library

To use pyBeamline on any OS, install it using pip:

pip install pybeamline
More information are available at

Basic concepts

In this section the basic concepts of pyBeamline are presented.


The pyBeamline framework comes with its own definition of event, called BEvent, similarly to what is defined in Beamline. Here some of the corresponding methods are highlighted:

classDiagram class BEvent { +dict process_attributes +dict trace_attributes +dict event_attributes +get_process_name(): str +get_trace_name(): str +get_event_name(): str +get_event_time(): datetime }

Essentially, a Beamline event, consists of 3 maps for attributes referring to the process, to the trace, and to the event itself. While it's possible to set all the attributes individually, some convenience methods are proposed as well, such as getTraceName which returns the name of the trace (i.e., the case id). Internally, a BEvent stores the basic information using as attribute names the same provided by the standard extension of OpenXES. Additionally, setters for attributes defined in the context of OpenXES are provided too, thus providing some level of interoperability between the platforms.

Observables and Sources

An observer subscribes to an Observable. Then that observer reacts to whatever item or sequence of items the Observable emits. This pattern facilitates concurrent operations because it does not need to block while waiting for the Observable to emit objects, but instead it creates a sentry in the form of an observer that stands ready to react appropriately at whatever future time the Observable does so. -- Text from

General sources

In the context of Beamline it is possible to define observables of any type. The framework comes with some observables already defined. Sources already implemented are xes_log_source, xes_log_source_from_file, and string_test_source. A xes_log_source creates a source from a static log (useful for testing purposes), xes_log_source_from_file creates a source from an XES file, and string_test_source allows the definition of simple log directly in its constructor (useful for testing purposes).

Details on xes_log_source and xes_log_source_from_file

Emits all events from an XES event log. Example usage:

import pm4py
from pybeamline.sources import xes_log_source

xes_log_source(pm4py.read_xes("test.xes")) \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

A shortcut to load from a file is:

import pm4py
from pybeamline.sources import xes_log_source_from_file

xes_log_source_from_file("test.xes") \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on string_test_source

Source that considers each trace as a string provided in the constructor and each event as one character of the string. Example usage:

from pybeamline.sources import string_test_source

string_test_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"]) \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on log_source

Example of usages:

log_source("test.xes") # This is equivalent to xes_log_source_from_file("test.xes")
log = pm4py.read_xes("test.xes")
log_source(log) # This is equivalent to xes_log_source(log)
log_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"]) # This is equivalent to string_test_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"])

The following sources offer connections to external services:

Details on mqttxes_source

Source that connects to an MQTT endpoint and expects events to be published according to the MQTT-XES format (see Example usage:

from pybeamline.sources import mqttxes_source

mqttxes_source('', 1883, 'base/topic/') \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Where is the URL of the MQTT broker, 1883 is the broker port, and base/topic/ is the base topic. Please note the input() at the end, which is necessary to avoid that the application terminates thus not receiving any more events.

Real-world sources

In addition to the previous sources these are also implemented. The following sources observe real data and hence are not controllable and maybe not suitable for testing.

Details on wikimedia_source

Source that connects to the stream of recent change operations happening on the Media Wiki websites (see and Example usage:

from pybeamline.sources.real_world_sources import wikimedia_source

wikimedia_source() \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

It is advisable to apply a filter operation to consider only events relevant to one of the websites, such as:
from pybeamline.sources.real_world_sources import wikimedia_source
from pybeamline.filters import retains_on_event_attribute_equal_filter

    retains_on_event_attribute_equal_filter("wiki", ["dewiki"]),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))


Details on ais_source

The automatic identification system (AIS) is an automatic tracking system that uses transceivers on ships and is used by vessel traffic services. This source considers the MMSI ( as the case id and the navigation status (when available) as the activity ( While it is possible connect to any AIS data provider (by passing host and port parameters), by default, the source connects to the Norwegian Coastal Administration server, which publishes data for the from vessels within the Norwegian economic zone and the protection zones off Svalbard and Jan Mayen (see

ATTENTION: while a lot of events are produced by this source, traces are very short and it can take a long time before two events with the same case id are actually observed.

Example usage:

from pybeamline.sources.real_world_sources import ais_source

ais_source() \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Combining sources

In order to build tests where drifts occur in a controlled setting, it is possible to concatenate different sources together. See the example below:

from reactivex import concat
from pybeamline.sources import xes_log_source_from_file, log_source

src1 = xes_log_source_from_file("tests/log.xes")
src2 = log_source(["ABCD", "ABCD"])
src3 = xes_log_source_from_file("tests/log.xes")

concat = concat(src1, src2, src3)
concat \
    .subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))


The filter operator, in ReactiveX, does not change the stream, but filters the events so that only those passing a predicate test can pass. In Beamline there are some filters already implemented that can be used as follows:

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import excludes_activity_filter, retains_activity_filter

log_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Filters can operate on event attributes or trace attributes and the following are currently available:

Details on retains_on_event_attribute_equal_filter

Retains events based on the equality of an event attribute. Example:

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import retains_on_event_attribute_equal_filter

    retains_on_event_attribute_equal_filter("event-attrib", ["ev", "ab"]),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on excludes_on_event_attribute_equal_filter

Exclude events based on the equality of an event attribute.

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import excludes_on_event_attribute_equal_filter

    excludes_on_event_attribute_equal_filter("event-attrib", ["ev", "ab"]),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on retains_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter

Retains events based on the equality of a trace attribute.

from pybeamline.sources import log_sourcelog_source
from pybeamline.filters import retains_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter

    retains_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter("trace-attrib", ["tv", "ab"]),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on excludes_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter

Excludes events based on the equality of a trace attribute.

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import excludes_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter

    excludes_on_trace_attribute_equal_filter("trace-attrib", ["tv", "ab"]),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on retains_activity_filter

Retains activities base on their name (concept:name).

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import retains_activity_filter

log_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on excludes_activity_filter

Excludes activities base on their name (concept:name).

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.filters import excludes_activity_filter

log_source(["ABC", "ACB", "EFG"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Please note that filters can be chained together in order to achieve the desired result.

Mappers and mining algorithms

pyBeamline comes with some mining algorithms, which are essentially instantiations of map and flatMap operators. This section reports some detail on these.

Discovery techniques

In the core of the pyBeamline library, currently, there is only one mining algorithm implemented:

Details on infinite_size_directly_follows_mapper

An algorithm that transforms each pair of consequent event appearing in the same case as a directly follows operator (generating a tuple with the two event names). This mapper is called infinite because it's memory footprint will grow as the case ids grow.

An example of how the algorithm can be used is the following:

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.mappers import infinite_size_directly_follows_mapper

log_source(["ABC", "ACB"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))
This code will print:
('A', 'B')
('B', 'C')
('A', 'C')
('C', 'B')

Details on simple_dfg_miner

An algorithm that simply constructs the DFG considering infinite amount of memory available. It has 2 parameters: the model_update_frequency that determines how often the model should be updated, and the min_relative_frequency that determines the minimum relative frequency that a directly follow relations should have to be generated.

An example of how the algorithm can be used is the following:

from pybeamline.sources.real_world_sources import wikimedia_source
from pybeamline.algorithms.discovery.dfg_miner import simple_dfg_miner

).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on heuristics_miner_lossy_counting

An algorithm to mine a Heuristics Net using the Lossy Counting algorithm. The Heuristics Net is the same type as in the PM4PY library (see

An example of how the algorithm can be used is the following:

from pybeamline.algorithms.discovery import heuristics_miner_lossy_counting

log_source(["ABCD", "ABCD"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))
This code will print:
{'A': (node:A connections:{B:[0.5]}), 'B': (node:B connections:{C:[0.5]}), 'C': (node:C connections:{})}
{'C': (node:C connections:{D:[0.5]}), 'D': (node:D connections:{}), 'A': (node:A connections:{B:[0.6666666666666666]}), 'B': (node:B connections:{C:[0.6666666666666666]})}

The algorithm is describe in publications:

Details on heuristics_miner_lossy_counting_budget

An algorithm to mine a Heuristics Net using the Lossy Counting with Budget algorithm. The Heuristics Net is the same type as in the PM4PY library (see

An example of how the algorithm can be used is the following:

from pybeamline.algorithms.discovery import heuristics_miner_lossy_counting_budget

log_source(["ABCD", "ABCD"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))
This code will print:
{'A': (node:A connections:{B:[0.5]}), 'B': (node:B connections:{C:[0.5]}), 'C': (node:C connections:{D:[0.5]}), 'D': (node:D connections:{})}
{'A': (node:A connections:{B:[0.6666666666666666]}), 'B': (node:B connections:{C:[0.6666666666666666]}), 'C': (node:C connections:{D:[0.6666666666666666]}), 'D': (node:D connections:{})}

The algorithm is describe in publications:

Conformance checking techniques

Currently only conformance checking using behavioral profiles is supported.

Details on behavioral_conformance

An algorithm to compute the conformance using behavioral patterns.

An example of how the algorithm can be used is the following:

from pybeamline.algorithms.conformance import mine_behavioral_model_from_stream, behavioral_conformance

source = log_source(["ABCD", "ABCD"])
reference_model = mine_behavioral_model_from_stream(source)

log_source(["ABCD", "ABCD"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))
This code will print:
([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D')], {('A', 'B'): (0, 0), ('B', 'C'): (1, 1), ('C', 'D'): (2, 2)}, {('A', 'B'): 2, ('B', 'C'): 1, ('C', 'D'): 0})
(1.0, 0.5, 1)
(1.0, 1.0, 1)
(1.0, 0.5, 1)
(1.0, 1.0, 1)
The algorithm is describe in the publication:

Windowing techniques

ReactiveX comes with a very rich set of windowing operators that can be fully reused in pyBeamline. Applying a windowing techniques allows the reusage of offline algorithms (for example implemented in PM4PY) as each window is converted into a Pandas DataFrame.

To transform the window into a DataFrame, the sliding_window_to_log operators need to be piped to the source.

Details on sliding_window_to_log

Let's assume, that we want to apply the DFG discovery implemented on PM4PY on a stream usind a tumbling window of size 3. We can pipe the window operator to the sliding_window_to_log so that we can subscribe to EventLogs objects.

An example is shown in the following:

from pybeamline.sources import log_source
from pybeamline.mappers import sliding_window_to_log
from reactivex.operators import window_with_count
import pm4py

def mine(log):

log_source(["ABC", "ABD"]).pipe(
This code will print:
Counter({('A', 'B'): 1, ('B', 'C'): 1})
Counter({('A', 'B'): 1, ('B', 'D'): 1})
As can be seen the 2 DFGs are mined from the 2 traces separately (as the tumbling window has size 3, which corresponds to the size of each trace). Using a tumbling window of size 6 (i.e., window_with_count(6)) will produce the following:
Counter({('A', 'B'): 2, ('B', 'C'): 1, ('B', 'D'): 1})
In this case, the only model extracted embeds both traces inside.


There are some utilities functionalities implemented in the library. They are listed below:

Details on lambda_operator

This function allows the definition of an operator according to a function defined somewhere else. It is the most flexible operator and, in case a value is return, then the pipeline will continue. If None is returned, then the pipeline does not continue.

The example below shows how this operator can be used to define custom filters and custom miners:

from pybeamline.algorithms.lambda_operator import lambda_operator
from pybeamline.sources.string_test_source import string_test_source

def my_filter(event):
    return event if (event.get_event_name() == "A") else None

def my_miner(event):
    return [('Start', event.get_event_name())]

string_test_source(["ABCDE", "ACBDE"]).pipe(
).subscribe(lambda x: print(str(x)))

Details on dfg_to_graphviz

This function allows the transformation of the DFG produced with the simple_dfg_miner into the corresponding Graphviz string. It can be used for visualization of the model.

An example is shown in the following:

from pybeamline.sources.real_world_sources import wikimedia_source
from pybeamline.algorithms.discovery.dfg_miner import simple_dfg_miner
from pybeamline.utils import dfg_to_graphviz

def display(graphviz_string):
    print(graphviz_string) # In reality, a more advance processing is expected here :)

).subscribe(lambda x: display(dfg_to_graphviz(x)))

Integration with other libraries


River ( is a library to build online machine learning models. Such models operate on data streams. River includes several online machine learning algorithms that can be used for several tasks, including classification, regression, anomaly detection, time series forecasting, etc. The ideology behind River is to be a generic machine learning which allows to perform these tasks in a streaming manner. Indeed, many batch machine learning algorithms have online equivalents. Note that River also supports some more basic tasks. For instance, you might just want to calculate a running average of a data stream.

It is possible to integrate pyBeamline's result into River to leverage its ML capabilities. For example, let's say we want to use concept drift detection using the ADWIN algorithm. In particular, we are interested in computing if the frequency of the directly follows relation BC changes over time. To accomplish this task, let's first build a log where we artificially inject two of such drifts:

import random

log_original = ["ABCD"]*10000 + ["ACBD"]*500

log_after_drift = ["ABCD"]*500 + ["ACBD"]*10000

log_with_drift = log_source(log_original + log_after_drift + log_original)
In this case, we built two logs (log_original and log_after_drift) which include the same process variants but that differ in the number of occurrences. Finally, we construct our pyBeamline log source log_with_drift by concatenating log_original + log_after_drift + log_original.

After that we can use the capabilities of pyBeamline and reactivex to construct a pipeline that produce a sequence of frequencies corresponding to the frequency of directly follows relation BC in window with length 40 (which is chosen as all our traces have length 4). Also note that we leverage the fact that in all our events when B and C appear they are always in the same trace (because of how log_source generates the observable). We will later define a function check_for_drift:

import reactivex
from reactivex import operators as ops

  ops.flat_map(lambda events: reactivex.from_iterable(events).pipe(
      ops.filter(lambda x: x[0].get_trace_name() == x[1].get_trace_name() and x[0].get_event_name() == "B" and x[1].get_event_name() == "C"),
).subscribe(lambda x: print(x))
After this we can define our function for drift detection and collection of points and drift indexes using:
from reactivex import operators as ops
from river import drift

drift_detector = drift.ADWIN()
data = []
drifts = []

def check_for_drift():
  index = 0

  def _process(x):
    nonlocal index
    index = index + 1
    if drift_detector.drift_detected:

  def _check_for_drift(obs):
    return obs.pipe(ops.do_action(lambda value: _process(value)))

  return _check_for_drift
With this function available, check_for_drift can now be piped to the previous computation. Plotting the frequencies and the concept drifts will result in the following:

For a complete working example, see


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